Dvine Laboratories was built on the foundation of quality and a commitment to standards at every level of the organization. Since inception Dvine Laboratories has strived to continuously improve in every step of the manufacturing process. Our Internationally recognized Standards ensure through a formal audit process that every department is doing their due diligence to repeatedly strive to do better.

With years of dealing in unregulated industries, our involvement in voluntary regulation has given us experience in Quality management and Good Manufacturing Practices. By adding a dedicated Certified testing facility, to test all raw materials and finished goods, Dvine Laboratories can be confident in manufacturing a product that meets the need of the customer. We do what we say, we say what we do and we have the experience and certifications to prove it.

By maintaining international standards including ISO:9001, ISO:22716, and ISO:17025, customers can be assured that every aspect of our manufacturing process is tested, verified, and traced from the time the raw material comes through the loading dock to the final package assembly. Traceability is engrained throughout the Quality Management system.

Care and control come hand in hand at Dvine Laboratories. Not only is control rooted in all processes’ but, care is deep-seated in company culture. A fundamental part of becoming a main player in our organization is to show care and control over every action taken.

Even the highest of management in our organizational structure knows who their boss is, the customer. Our customers drive every aspect of our business and are the reason our doors are open today. Dvine Laboratories has based all growth on customer feedback. By providing great products with exceptional customer service Dvine Laboratories has been able to advance as a leader in our main industry. From sales to shipping, all employees at Dvine Laboratories are taught that the customer drives the business, and taking care of their needs while keeping their best interest in mind is always of top priority.

Happy employees produce more, simple as that. When you can keep your staff working as a team and happy throughout the week, amazing things happen. At Dvine Laboratories we believe that work is easy when you want to be there. The benefits shine when you ensure everyone is cared for and respected. Not only is productivity improved, but a harmonized work environment also helps with employee retention. This means that care and control are instilled as the people who have helped us build up to this point have been a part of the process. We give back to the community through our “Dvine that gives” program, we hold team-building workshops on a quarterly basis, and encourage inspiring each other by promoting within. Whether it be a chili cook-off, pizza day, or a BBQ out on the patio, nothing brings people together like food. We use Friday afternoons to get to know one another on a more personal level. When you join the “Dvine Dream Team” you really are joining a team. Each department in our facility relies on another and our staff understands that.